Tag Archives: strong

Lucarelli: “We always right”

from 11st august 2018 Tuttosport

General Manager Alessandro Lucarelli speaks after appeal verdict and his words were reported yesterday on Tuttosport column.

Thanks Capt… ehm, General Manager to allow us to publishing it.

+++ this is a non professional translation made by fans for fans. You can read the original text on Ale Facebook page and on 11st august 2018 Tuttosport edition +++

“In last three years we have been winner three times on the pitcth and two times outside the pitch. We always knew we were right, that we deserved these three promotions with sweat and effort but we had to defend from worst accusation you can ever receive in football world. All this could put us in a bad light and blemish what we conquered. We silently fought, without give ever chance to attacks we received in these two months to hit us. And also in this case we are winners. Now, with all our enthusiasm, we can finally concentrate only on Serie A: will be 38 battles, with just one target: defend the category with tooth and nail.”

To resume the whole story follow “investigation” tag on our articles.

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